Please confirm that you are [title] [forename] [surname].
Welcome to the registration page for The Eastern Education Show, Thursday 15th June 2023.
This free-to-attend* event is the East’s largest conference and exhibition for Head Teachers, Finance Directors, Bursars, Business Managers, Governors, Local Authority education leaders, PTA’s, IT Managers and school leadership teams from the state, academy and private sectors.
General Data Protection Regulation Policy
Under data protection legislation Revolution Events believe that they have a legitimate interest in using the details you supply when reserving your place at the Eastern Education Show to send you information about the event. This includes your badge, programme updates, information on exhibitors and other special features which form an integral part of the event. From time to time, we may also invite you to attend other relevant events, but you will always have a choice and can unsubscribe or opt out at any time.
Question marked with a * are mandatory
Third party consent
Badge scanning
When you allow your badge to be scanned by or on behalf of an exhibitor or sponsor at the Eastern Education Show you are consenting to your personal data being provided to that company (name/address/telephone/email), as submitted when registering for the event. They may use this data for things such as marketing their goods or services. Please click here to view our General Data Protection Regulation policy. *Please note that delegates from the commercial sector will be charged a registration fee of £975 + VAT. If you are interested in exhibiting, please email Cameras may be present at the event. Delegates not wishing to be filmed/photographed can make themselves known to the camera team so that they can be avoided.
Register a colleague
I would like to register my colleague for the Education People Show. Note: You must enter a full name, job title, contact number and email address for each of your colleagues. They must also work at the same company address you have provided above. They will receive an email stating that you have registered them for the event.
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